Wednesday, May 6, 2015 fail again until you SUCCEED!

It's been a while since I've written a blog post. I'm not going to apologize because life happens. I know that I said that I was gonna be better at blogging and I never have been. I tried. I failed. It's kind of how life works but you just get up and you brush your shoulders off and you keep going....

So this is my attempt… Again… To keep going…

I wanted to write a post about something that was not fitness related. I kept thinking about how my blog is not about this topic that I want to write about. About how I just want to my blog to be about fitness. Health. But part of being healthy as I continually talk about on my Facebook page is being healthy from the inside. Mental clarity.

To be able to have mental clarity, you have to be willing to get down and dirty with yourself! Ask yourself the really hard question. Get honest with yourself. Don't be afraid to look those answers in the face. 

I think it's helpful when you write things down because it literally is staring back at you. If you want something bad enough you'll take the time to dedicate your self to that goal. When you write something down and you can check it off there is no better feeling than checking off a goal! That then makes you a #goalcrusher 

So when your to do List is longer than your list of goals that you want to accomplish take a minute put your to do list the side and write a different list!!!! 

Write a list of things that you want to accomplish put a time and date as to when you'll reach them. Look at them everyday until you can check something off.. Who cares if you don't meet it. Who cares! Really you're the only one that you have to answer you. YOU! 

If you're not meeting them in what you deem a timely manner then break the goals down further to smaller more attainable parts! 

And maybe that's just it… Maybe we are afraid to answer to ourselves… Because we are so worried about letting ourselves down. A lot of times when I'm working with challengers or customers with beach body they don't want to commit because they're afraid to let ME down. But maybe they need to look in the mirror and really refocus on what they're worried about. 

It's a hard reality to face, letting ourselves down, so we take the easy way out and we say that we are too worried about letting someone else down. But it is much harder to admit that you don't want to let yourself down. So instead of making goals and crushing them we make goals we let ourselves off the hook we continually do the same things over and over and complain and bitch and moan about being unsuccessful. 

If you want to be successful, then. you're going to do the things that other people will not do.

It will take the time out of your day to work out. Meal plan. Personal development. Write goals down. Do something to better yourself from the inside out. 

Get your mind right FIRST! 

Life is way too short to get all worked up over not meeting a goal but if you set one and you work towards that at least you tried. And then you set a new date and then you can keep working towards that goal until it is crushed! 

Do you want to be a part of something where you feel like you're surrounded by like minded people? Do you want to crush your goals? Do you want to have personal development? Do you want to make yourself better from the inside out? Ask me how! Fill out this Application  Join my next group! Trust me it's worth it! You can thank me later. 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Friday Eve.......

On the eve of Friday and the 1st of the month there is a lot going on in the Beachbody world! Many people trying to meet end of the month goals and others getting ready to set and break new ones starting tomorrow. 

What goals are you setting for yourself? Where do you see yourself in the next 30 days? For me, I have a lot happening. I accepted a teaching job, teaching 2nd grade. I start on Tuesday. This is sooo out of my comfort zone. I thought for sure I would be with the older kids. I have to pass a test that is 4 parts, 5 hours long. I take that the 30th. I am freaking out a little inside. I am also freaking out because I don't have a lot of materials for the classroom but I have done a lot more with less and I know that I will really be doing a service to the community because this is a charter school, with kids who really need someone who cares and can be a positive influence in their lives. 

I knew when I set out as a Beachbody coach that it would take me on a journey to help others. I didn't imagine it would take me to an elementary school. I am looking forward to this new challenge!

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Monday, July 28, 2014

A day in the life of a coach.......

I have been so sporadic with my blog and it makes me start to think, why would I follow a blog that was sporadic? I wouldn't. I am inconsistent with my content and my posts. I have a million things going on at the same time, all the time. I am now a mom, soon to be employee again, a beachbody coach, a wife, daughter, friend and so much more. I wear a lot of hats. I can appreciate that. I appreciate other people who wear a lot of hats! I don't even like hats! LOL
I was thinking about my target audience. It must be for people who also wear a lot of hats. People who do a million things at one time all the time and want to know how to fit clean eating and fitness in there somewhere. So you there, with all the hats, ya YOU! I am writing this for you.
I think I was so worried about the way the blog looked and what was on it and how other successful coaches' blogs looked and I just would put any ol' thing out there. NOT. ANYMORE. 
I am going to write about how I fit a healthy lifestyle into my already 8 million things on my TO DO list. So let's start today.
I bought a planner this weekend. Yes like an old school pen to paper planner so I can see things I need to do daily. I put blogging on there for twice a week. I am not sure what days yet but since I am doing this today, let's go ahead and go with Monday as one day and Thursday for another. 
Here is what I anticipate my day looking like when I go back to work.   Wake up around 5:00 AM. Get my workout in, shower, get ready, check in with groups and customers on FB, feed baby, take baby to daycare, go to work, pick baby up from day care, get dinner together, put baby to bed, more beachbody stuff. It's a lot to fit in in one day but I know I can do it.  When you make it a priority, it just becomes one. It is non negotiable item in your life. The great thing about being a coach is being able to motivate others to do the same. If you want more information about how to fit it into your life, add me on FB, send me a message here or whatever means necessary!

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

30 days Post Partum

 So I know..I know.. I have slacked at Blogging..>AGAIN! I swear every time I say I am going to be better this time, I am not. I fall off the wagon and I FAIL! But you know what I keep learning about failing? It is how we learn and grow and become better. I wanted to do a blog post today so you can see my transformation after the first 30 or so days of working out after we had our baby girl! I am down 11 pounds and 9.5 inches over all and that is just from when I started working out. My starting weight was 226 (last day of pregnancy) and now I am 188.4. I have a long way to go and am hoping to get to 150s by November. That is my big scary goal!
I love coaching because it has allowed me to connect with so many people who I know, didn't know, are strangers and now friends and so on and so forth. I have been blessed to be able to help these people reach their fullest potential when it comes  to their own journey's and it is a remarkable feeling when they say "Because of you, I didn't give up". If you are interested in learning more about a challenge group or just what it is I do as a coach or anything really, feel free to reach out! Thanks guys!
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